融合 RocksDB 存储引擎
Pregel 分布式图形处理
有容错机制的 Foxx 在集群模式下根据您的需求进行数据库扩展
Geo_cursor , get documents sorted by distance to a certain point in space
Arangoexport, 数据导出
加强版 LDAP
1. RocksDB 插件式存储引擎的优势:
Document-level locks: performance boost for write intensive applications. Writes don’t block reads, and reads don’t block writes
Support for large datasets: go beyond the limit of main memory and stay performant
Persistent indexes: faster index build after restart
2. Pregel 分布式图形处理,您可以使用已有的很多著名的图形算法:
Weakly Connected Components
Strongly Connected Components
HITS (hubs and authorities)
Single-Source Shortest Path
Community Detection via Label Propagation
Vertex Centrality measure
3. 容错机制的 Foxx: 非常可爱的小狐狸 :)
The Foxx management internals has been rewritten from the ground up to make sure multi-coordinator cluster setups always keep their services in sync and new coordinators are fully initialized even when all existing coordinators are unavailable.
4. Geo_cursor:
Get documents sorted by the distance to a certain point in space. You can also apply filters and limits to geo_cursor.
5. Arango 数据导出:
Export data as JSON, JSONL and even graphs as XGMML for visualization in Cytoscape. You can find details in the .
6. 企业级版本更高的安全性和可扩展性:
Enhanced Authorisation with LDAP
Encryption at Rest
Satellite Collections ,with SatelliteCollections you can define collections to shard to a cluster and collections to replicate to each machine.